This time-tested medical science helps us harmonize the natural elements in ourselves and our environment so we can achieve optimal health and overall wellbeing.
The Science of Ayurveda
This time-tested medical science helps us harmonize the natural elements in ourselves and our environment so we can achieve optimal health and overall wellbeing. When the elements are imbalanced, we become prone to dis-ease and dis-comfort. Ayurvedic remedies address physiological, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual imbalances by reducing, or fully eliminating, the causes of disease.
As a complementary medical science, Ayurveda can be integrated with modern medicine to achieve more holistic outcomes.
My Approach to Ayurvedic Wellness
I seamlessly integrate Ayurveda, Yoga, and Family Development in my work with clients. As a Certified Ayurveda Health Counselor, also trained in therapeutic Ayurveda approaches for mental health, I provide individualized dietary and lifestyle recommendations to individuals, families, and groups.
Wherever you may be along your wellness path, I assess how the five natural elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether (space) are manifesting in your life and provide you with a personal plan to guide you closer to your wellness goals.
The time-tested medical science of Ayurveda
Elevate your health mindfully with the science of life.
Session details
Virtual and In-person options available
Initial Consultations include:
- Discussion of (1) Your wellness goals and challenges, including dis-ease, whether diagnosed or not, (2) Current lifestyle and diet choices, (3) Bodily experiences from sweat, to tears, and poop, too!
- Beginning a Wellness Plan of individualized recommendations that support you to meet your wellness goals
Follow-up Consultations include:
- Discussion of (1) Your successes and challenges since our last meeting as they relate to your state of wellness and progress on a wellness path, (2) Updates to your lifestyle and diet, (3) Updates to your bodily experiences.
- Updating your Wellness Plan to continuously support your progress
My Scope of Practice
While Ayurveda can support anyone along their wellness path, I am trained and certified specifically to address disease prevention and health promotion. If you have already been diagnosed or presumed to be experiencing disease, I work collaboratively with you to integrate Ayurvedic remedies into your existing health protocols. In addition, I encourage and support you to steward a clear pathway of communication between your primary medical care providers and other wellness professionals such as me.
“Elevate your health mindfully with the science of life!”
Approaches &
Therapeutic Modalities
Ayurvedic remedies aim to improve elemental harmony or reduce imbalance and may include, but are not limited to, consuming particular foods and culinary spices/herbs, application of oils upon the body; adapting daily routines, such as mealtimes, or suboptimal behaviors, such as excessive screen time; and seeking medical advice and care from other health care specialists when appropriate. I naturally integrate an array of Yogic and Buddhist tools and approaches in your wellness recommendations, which may include meditation, contemplation, breathwork, and movement. All wellness plans include individualized recommendations based on your unique state and circumstances.
One is in perfect health when the Three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) Digestive fire (digestion, assimilation and metabolism) all the body tissues & components (Dhatus) (the entire physical body) all the excretory functions (the physiological functions of urination and defecation) are in perfect order with a pleasantly disposed and contented mind, senses and spirit.
- Exploring Insights Towards Definition And Laws Of Health In Ayurveda: Global Health Perspective by Gopal Basisht (2014) (see link)
- Teaching the Full Wealth of Ayurveda in the Modern Western World. by Nidhi Pandya (March 21, 2022) (2013)
(see link) - Ayurveda And Medicalisation Today: The loss of important knowledge and practice in health? by Mahesh Madhav Mathpatia, Sandra Albert, John D.H.Porterc (2020)
(see link)
Elevate You Well provides holistic health + wellness services for individuals, families, and groups, seamlessly integrating the modalities of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Child + Family Development to guide you farther along your health and wellness path.
Select one of two options to
schedule your initial consultation.
Got questions? Read the FAQ’s or contact us here.
- $175 per 90-minute initial consultation
- $125 per 60-minute follow-up consultation (upon request)
- $325 for 3-bundle of 60-minute follow-ups ($50 off!)
- $275 per 120-minute initial consultation with 2 family members ($75 off individual rate!)
- $75 for every additional family member in initial consultation ($100 off individual rate)
- $200 or $225 per 75-minute follow-up consultation with 2 family members
- $50 for every additional family member in follow-up consultation
Parents and guardians must be present and fully participatory in consultations of children age 18 y.o. and under, regardless of type of consultation.
Sliding Scale Opportunities
I am committed to guiding anyone toward their greater wellbeing, and recognize that financial inequities are not always a matter of personal choice. If finances are an obstacle for you, please inquire during your free Elevation Call about current availability of sliding scale opportunities!
Group Workshops
Workshop rates vary depending on number of participants, length of session(s), number of sessions, mode of delivery and/or location, equipment and supplies, and travel. Schedule your free Elevation Call to request a quote for services that will best help your team meet your wellness goals!
“And therefore I’ll dispel the pain of others, For it is simply pain, just like my own. And others I will aid and benefit, For they are living beings, like my body.”
― Śāntideva, The Way of the Bodhisattva
What previous clients are saying!
“Engaging with Sarah in Ayurveda is truly an exercise in well-being. Her calming voice, encouraging commands, and reassuring advice are the perfect combination for affirmation and relaxation.”
Rochelle Phillips
Human Services & Philanthropist